“The grant that we received from the Education Foundation of Rice Lake has enabled the Technology Education Department achieve our departmental goal of engaging students in higher-level problem solving. This project has also helped achieve a district goal of establishing community partnerships. The students working on the High Mileage Vehicle project have toured local businesses and will be working closely with their personnel to engineer certain aspects of the vehicle. The grant has also made it possible for the students to work on exciting solutions directly related to green technology.”
- Curt Pacholke and Mark Beise, Rice Lake High School
“Thanks to the Education Foundation Grant students learned how to use Global Positioning System devices in real world applications. In addition, the students were able to immerse themselves in our Rice Lake School Forest for a day. The greatest observation was watching groups of rambunctious seventh graders become so captivated with the outdoors that they could hear every leaf drop, every bird call, and notice the smallest of creature. Thanks again to the EFRL for providing them such a unique opportunity."
- Hans J. Schmidt, 6th Grade Math/Science - Rice Lake Middle School
“We could not have provided the students with this engaging activity (“Remote Operated Search and Rescue Vehicle” ) without the help of the Education Foundation of Rice Lake. I literally had students in my room before school, after school, and during lunch wanting to work on their rovers. When the project was nearing completion, students were begging for more activities with the rovers. This project allowed the students to enhance their engineering skills in a fun and challenging format”.
- Steve Hoersten, RL Middle School, Technology Education teacher
The Dallas Brass event was extremely beneficial to the 300+ RLASD students that participated as well as the community that was treated to an evening of music and entertainment. This event would not have been possible without the support of the community and without the Education Foundation Grant that was awarded to us.
- Kim Graff, RL Middle School, Instrumental Music teacher
My improv group, Catharsis, was lucky enough to be awarded this grant twice. In 1999-2000, I received funding, so I could take students to the initial training. In 2006-2007, I received funding for additional training and development. Our troupe remains active within the schools and local community because of the generous nature of the Education Foundation.
-Amy Pelle, Director of Theatre at RLHS