Early Childhood

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Each school district in Wisconsin is responsible for providing a continuum of Special Education and Related Services to Children with Disabilities and those who need special education. Children are evaluated to determine if they meet one of the state's eligibility criteria. Special education and related services may provide consultation to staff, direct services to the child, training related to the disability, and other services that are identified in the child's Individualized Education Program.

We are fortunate to have Callie Larson teaching our early childhood program along with paraprofessional Lindsay Shomion. 

Please reach out to them if you have any questions regarding specialized services for children not yet eligible for our district's 4K kindergarten (four as of September 1).  Please also see district services for our Littlest Learners.
Callie Larson

Lindsay Shomion

Larson, Callie
Teacher - Early Childhood Special Education

Shomion, Lindsay
SPED Paraprofessional 