Student Policies Goals
411: Student Nondiscrimination and Equal Educational Opportunities(revised 10/10/2022)
411: RULE (1) - Student Discrimination Complaint Procedures(revised 10/10/2022)
411: RULE (2) - Transgender and Gender Diverse Students (revised 10/10/2022)
411: EXHIBIT(1) -Public Notification of Student Non-Discrimination Policy (revised 10/10/2022)
411: EXHIBIT(2) - Student Discrimination Complaint Form(Revised 10/10/2022)
411: EXHIBIT (3) - Name Change Request Form (Adopted 10/10/2022)
411.1: Ensuring Educational Stability of Children In Out-of-Home Care (Foster Care) (adopted 11/11/19)
411.1 RULE - Procedures for Ensuring Educational Stability of Children in Out-of-Home Care (Foster Care)(adopted 11/11/19)
411.1: EXHIBIT (1) - Request for Residency for Children in Out of Home Care (Foster Care) (adopted 11/11/19)
411.2: Accommodation of Student's Religious Beliefs (revised 06/26/23) 411.2: RULE - Accommodation of Student's Religious Beliefs Procedures (adopted 06/26/23) 411.3: Bullying and Harassment by Students(revised 07/12/21) 411.3: RULE (1) - Reporting Bullying/Harassment by Students: Procedures for Students, Parents, and Other Non-Employees (revised 07/12/21)
411.3: RULE (2) - Reporting Bullying/Harassment by Students: Expectations and Procedures for District Employees (revised 07/12/21)
411.3: RULE (3) - Responding to and Investigating Reports of Possible Bullying or Harassment by Students(revised 07/12/21)
411.3: RULE (4) - Board of Education Guidelines for the District's Procedures, Services, and Communications Related to Bullying and Harassment by Students in the Schools(reviewed 07/12/21)
411.3: EXHIBIT(1) - Bullying and Harassment by Students: Examples of Prohibited Conduct (reviewed 07/12/21)
411.3: EXHIBIT (2) - Bullying or Harassment Report Form (reviewed 07/12/21)
School Admissions
420: School Admissions (revised 03/09/15)
420: RULE - Admissions/Placement Procedures (revised 03/09/15)
421: Full-Time Students (revised 11/14/16)
422: Entrance Age (Admission to Kindergarten and First Grade) (revised 11/28/22)
423: Admission of Full-Time Nonresident Students (Tuition/Waiver) (revised 03/25/24)
424: Admission of Students Over School Age (Adult Education) (revised 03/25/24)
425: Full-Time Public School Open Enrollment (revised 02/13/23)
425: RULE - Full-Time Open Enrollment Procedures(revised 02/13/23)
427: Education of Homeless Children and Youths (revised 03/25/24)
427: RULE - Procedures for Enrollment and Placement of Homeless Children and Youths (revised 03/25/24)
430: Student Attendance (revised 09/12/22)
430: RULE - Student Attendance Procedures (adopted 09/12/22)
432: School Attendance Areas(revised 04/11/22)
432: RULE - Guidelines for Residency Change Within the District (revised 04/11/22)
434: Student Arrival/Dismissal Precautions (reviewed 03/25/24)
434: RULE - Guidelines for Student Arrival/Dismissal (revised 03/25/24)
Student Rights and Responsibilities
440: Student Rights and Responsibilities (reviewed 03/25/24)
442: Student Conduct and Discipline (revised 03/08/21)
442: RULE - Student Code of Conduct and Discipline(revised 03/08/21)
442.1: Student Dress (revised 06/12/17)
442.2: Student Conduct on School Buses(revised 10/23/17)
442.3: Student Tobacco Use (revised 09/22/14)
442.4: Student Alcohol and Controlled Substances Abuse (revised 11/14/16)
442.7: Youth Gangs(adopted 12/14/09)
442.7: RULE - Disciplinary Actions for Specific Gang-Related Activities (adopted 12/14/09)
444: Locker Search(revised 11/14/16)
445: Student Interviews/Questioning by Outside Agency Personnel (revised 02/24/2020)
445: RULE - Guidelines for Student Interviews/Questioning by Outside Agency Personnel (revised 02/24/2020)
446.1: Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint (revised 07/27/2020)
446.1: RULE - Procedures for Using Seclusion and Physical Restraint Interventions(revised 07/27/2020)
446.1: EXHIBIT (1) - Seclusion and Physical Restraint Data Reporting Form(revised 10/06/2021)
446.2: Suspension (revised 03/25/24)
446.3: Expulsion (revised 07/31/06)
447.1: Staff Use of Physical Force (adopted 06/10/19)
Student Health and Welfare
451: Student Insurance (reviewed 06/11/24)
452: Emergency Nursing Services (revised 09/22/14)
452: RULE - Procedures for Handling Student Injuries/Illnesses (revised 09/22/14)
452.1: Do Not Resuscitate Orders (adopted 04/28/14)
453: Student Immunizations(revised 08/22/16)
454: Communicable Diseases(revised 11/14/16)
454: RULE - Communicable Disease Control Guidelines (revised 11/14/16)
455: Administering Medications to Students (reviewed 5/13/19)
455: RULE - Guidelines for Administering Medication to Students(revised 5/13/19)
455: EXHIBIT (1)-Authorization to Administer Medication Form (reviewed 5/13/19)
455: EXHIBIT (2)-Medication Disposal Procedure (reviewed 5/13/19)
456: Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect (revised 02/10/14)
456: RULE - School Report of Suspected Abuse or Neglect (revised 02/10/14)
456: EXHIBIT - School Report of Suspected Abuse or Neglect (revised 02/10/14)
458.1: School-Based Mental Health Services (adopted 04/27/2020)
458.1 EXHIBIT (1)-School Based Mental Health Services-Parent/Guardian Consent Form (adopted 04/27/2020)
459: Animals on School Premises(reviewed 11/11/19)
459: RULE - Procedures for Live Animals on School Premises (reviewed 11/11/19)
459: EXHIBIT(1) - Verification of Wellness and Consent for Animal on School Premises(reviewed 11/11/19)
459: EXHIBIT(2) - Animal on School Premises - Parent/Guardian Permission Slip(reviewed 11/11/19)
460: Student Awards and Scholarships (revised 04/24/23)
460: RULE - Student Award and Scholarship Guidelines (reviewed 04/24/23)
460.1: Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship(revised 06/14/21)
462: Wisconsin Technical Excellence Scholarship (revised 03/27/23)
462: EXHIBIT - Wisconsin Technical Excellence Scholarship Application (revised 03/27/23)
Student Fees and Fines
470: Student Fees and Fines (revised 01/08/18)
470: EXHIBIT - Student Fee Waiver/Reduction Request Form (adopted 01/08/18)
Miscellaneous Student Policies
492: Student Production of Services and Materials (reviewed 06/11/24)
493: Children of Divorced/Separated Parents and Parents Not Sharing the Same Household (adopted 11/11/19)