If you are unable to make an online payment for school meals (or student fees), you may make a payment by cash or check
School Meal Payments:
- Payment by Check (preferred over cash payment)
- School lunch payments can be made by mail or in person at any school district office or a check may be sent directly to the Food Service office
- You may include multiple students on one check, no matter what school they attend
- Please make the check out to RLASD Food Service and include the Student's Name(s) in the Memo field.
- Mail Checks to:
RLASD Food Service
30 S Wisconsin
Rice Lake WI 54868
- Do not include Student Fees and School Lunch on the same check
- Payment by Cash (not preferred)
- Bring the payment to the school office
- RLHS students should bring a cash payment to the food service office adjacent to the cafeteria
Student Fee Payments (RLHS and RLMS):
- Payment by Check (preferred over cash payment)
- You may include multiple students on one check but only if they all attend the same school building
- Please make the check out to the school (use the school name) and include the Student's Name(s) in the Memo field.
- Mail checks to:
(the school name)
(the school address)
Rice Lake WI 54868
- Payment by Cash (not preferred)
- Bring the payment to the school office