School Wellness Information

Under federal directions from the USDA, the Rice Lake Area School District has established a Wellness Committee to develop a new School Wellness Policy.

That committee - made up of school officials, area business leaders, parents, and health professionals, among others - started meeting in April of 2017 to establish the School Wellness Policy.  Committee members may include representatives from the following list:

RLASD Food Service Director Physical Education Teachers Health Teachers Family and Consumer Arts Teachers School Nurses Student Representatives Community Members School Board Member Director of Special Education and Pupil Services

Join our Health and Wellness Committee! Membership is open to staff, parents, and interested members of the community. Contact Laurie Johnson, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services at [email protected] or (715) 234-9007 Ext 5010

As a result of the committee meetings, a School Wellness Policy has been drafted. The purpose of the federally directed wellness directives is to instigate healthier eating habits for our children to combat obesity and to ensure that school meals meet minimal nutrition standards.

The Wellness Committee met in the Spring of 2023 to update the Wellness Policy which was approved by the RLASD Board of Education. Click the links below for more information. 

Wellness Policy (341.21) 
Wellness Plan and School Nutrition Standards (341.21 Rule 1)
Physical Activity (341.21 Rule 2)

Wellness Banner

Due to food safety and concerns about children with severe allergies, diabetes, etc., under directions from the USDA, any food provided to students must be one of the following:
  • Whole fruits or vegetables

  • Commercially prepared snacks accompanied by a manufacturer's label with a full list of ingredients

  • Any beverage (other than plain water) must be accompanied by a manufacturer's label with a full list of ingredients

The USDA has implemented these new policies to ensure that these children can be certain that what they are being served in the classroom won't endanger them.

  • School Snacks for Staff - This is a memorandum given to staff members indicating how they can comply with the new School Wellness Policy

  • Healthy Celebrations - This is an article that give great information on the promotion of a healthy lifestyle