Rice Lake Board of Education Beliefs and Goals
- We believe that a positive environment is based on trust and our expectation is that leaders in our district practice collaborative methods.
- We will become more knowledgeable and aware of student achievement data so that we can support and expect the highest measurable growth for all students.
- We will align financial resources with both the district's educational goals and facility needs and ensure that all expenditures are cost effective.
- We will provide all students the opportunity to achieve personal growth and readiness for future college and/or career plans.
The very first Rice Lake public school was founded in 1880. Our founders stated that the establishment of schools on the frontier would shape the future independences and prosperity of the entire country. Today, 127 years later, we still believe that the educational development of each individual will insure both personal and nation-wide success.
Students first come to us in childhood. Small classes and a strong emphasis on teaching reading during the primary years give them a strong start and provide a sound base for further learning. Recognizing the individuality of each student, we offer a broad range of programs and activities, from a solid academic foundation to a variety of opportunities in the arts. Competence in technology and physical education/sports contribute to the development of the total person. Add a safe environment, respect for cultural diversity, community service and career development opportunities, and the student is well on his/her way to being a lifelong learner.
Rice Lake’s Board of Education is committed to advocating the best use of our resources for students, while remaining responsible to the community. The district's vision is: The Rice Lake Area School District will educate and prepare all students to become successful members of our society. Our mission is: We will partner with students, families and community members to provide a safe learning environment to ensure our students achieve academic and personal success as they become lifelong learners.
The following pages present information about our schools. Each has its own personality, character, and dedicated staff, but all have one thing in common: a sincere determination to do whatever it takes to see that each child succeeds.
Keven Jensen
President, RLASD School Board