Support Services Goals
710: Support Services Goals(reviewed 08/28/23)
Safety Program
720: Safety Program (revised 02/13/23)
721: Buildings and Grounds Inspection (reviewed 08/28/23)
722.1: Accident Reporting(review 04/25/16)
723: School Safety Plans (adopted 12/10/18)
723.1: Emergency Drills Involving Students (adopted 12/10/18) 723.1: EXHIBIT-School Violence Event Drill Evaluation and Report to Board of Education (adopted 12/10/18)
723.2: Threats of School Violence (adopted 11/11/19)
723.2: RULE - Threat Identification and Assessment (11/11/19)
723.4: Inclement Weather Emergency School Closings (revised 02/26/24)
Buildings and Grounds Management
730: Buildings and Grounds Management (reviewed 08/28/23)
731: Buildings and Grounds Security (revised 08/28/23)
731.1: Locker Room Privacy(revised 4/10/17)
731.2: Electronic Surveillance Policy(revised 09/09/19)
731.3: Building Key/Access Card Control (reviewed 08/28/23)
731.3: RULE - Building Key/Access Card Control (reviewed 08/28/23)
731.3: EXHIBIT - Building Key/Access Card Request Form (reviewed 08/28/23)
732: Building and Grounds Maintenance (reviewed 08/28/23)
732.1: Capital Outlay (revised 08/28/23)
733: Energy Conservation (revised 08/28/23)
Materials Resource Management
740: Materials Resource Management (reviewed 08/28/23)
742: Use of School Equipment off School Premises (reviewed 08/28/23)
742: EXHIBIT - District Equipment Release Form (reviewed 08/28/23)
743: Waste Management and Recycling (revised 08/28/23)
751: Student Transportation Services(revised 04/10/17)
751: RULE - Student Transportation Guidelines (revised 04/10/17)
751.1: Use of Alternative Vehicles to Transport Students (reviewed 01/08/24)
751.1: RULE - Authorization of Alternative Vehicles and Drivers to Transport Students (reviewed 01/08/24)
751.1: EXHIBIT (1) - Alternative Driver/Vehicle Authorization Checklist (Employee driver using a privately owned vehicle for student transportation) (reviewed 01/08/24)
751.1: EXHIBIT (2) - Alternative Driver/Vehicle Authorization Checklist (Employee driver using a vehicle owned or leased by the District for student transportation) (reviewed 01/08/24)
751.1: EXHIBIT (3) - Alternative Driver/Vehicle Authorization Checklist (Volunteer driver using a privately owned vehicle for no compensation) (reviewed 01/08/24)
751.1: EXHIBIT (4) - Medical Opinion Verification of Fitness to Drive Vehicle to Transport Students (reviewed 01/08/24)
752: Use of District-Owned Vehicles (revised 01/08/24)
Food Services Management
760: Foods Services Management(revised 3/12/18)
760: RULE - Accommodations and Modifications in School Food Service Programs (adopted 03/12/18)
761: Free and Reduced-Price Benefits in School Food Service Programs(revised 03/12/18)
761: RULE - Appeals of Eligibility for Free or Reduced-Price Benefits (adopted 03/12/18)
763: School Meal Account Charges and Collections (adopted 03/12/18)
763: RULE - School Meal Account Charges and Collections (adopted 03/12/18)
Insurance Management
780: Insurance Management (reviewed 08/28/23)